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Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  It's nearly 2025!!!  Best wishes for a really good year ahead. This photo shows the fairy house I created f...

Saturday, July 25, 2020


4" x 4"
Acrylics on Panel
Commissioned as a memorial portrait for a client's friend.
The hole at the top makes it possible to hang it as a Christmas Tree Ornament.


5" x 5"x 1 1/2"
Acrylics on canvas

A memorial portrait commissioned as a surprise gift for a client's friend.  

Ernie Banks

Ernie Banks
4" x 4"
Acrylics on panel

This was commissioned as a surprise birthday present.  It has a hole drilled in the top so that it can be used as a Christmas tree ornament.  This portrait was based on a photo created by John Willson. I added the ivy covered wall to further signify this baseball fan's favorite team.

Shady Lane

Shady Lane
11" x 14"
Acrylics on paper

This is a painting I used as a demo for an art lesson.  It is a scene based on a painting by Jim Harrison.