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Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  It's nearly 2025!!!  Best wishes for a really good year ahead. This photo shows the fairy house I created f...

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Boy and his Chainsaw

A Boy and His Chainsaw
Final Version
12" x 12"
Acrylics on canvas

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Parrot Painting (2019)

This painting was completed in 2019 but I don't have a photo of the Final Version.

In Progress  (2019)
16" x 20"
Acrylics on canvas
Given to Nancy Lennon

Parrot ...beginning

        Graphing for Tonal Painting

This is a photo that I found online for my student to paint.  I can't give the proper credit because I didn't record the name of the photographer.
Because it's such a complex scene with so many details I decided to use graphing to start the painting as a tonal painting.  Here are the steps I used beginning with a black and white photo of the scene.

I put a wash of raw sienna on the canvas.

I put masking tape around the edges to remind me not to paint all the way to the edge.

 I measured and painted a graph the size of the painting that was roughly in thirds.

Next, I placed a piece of transparent plastic (old sheets for use with an overhead projector) on top of the black and white copy of the photograph.  I measured and drew a graph roughly in thirds onto the transparent plastic with a Magic Marker.

Then, with the transparent plastic graph on top of the B & W copy, I selected a segment with which to begin. I chose the uppermost left-hand segment.

Upper left-hand segment on B & W copy.

Upper left-hand segment on canvas.

Using black, white, and greys, I painted the tones of the upper left-hand segment that I wanted to include in my painting. 

Nearly completed tonal painting.

Tonal Painting

12" x 12"
Acrylics on canvas

This is a portrait I'm working on for my sister.  Her son, my nephew, was using a lawn sprinkler as his chain saw to cut the log.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Spiral Staircase
18" x 36"
Acrylics on canvas
$700  SOLD

Limited edition canvas print

To purchase original or to order canvas print call or text Ellen at
(318) 214-1750
Or email ellenhgh@gmail.com

Three Princes
Acrylics on canvas

To commission portraits call or text me at (318) 214-1750 or email me at Ellenhgh@gmail.com.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Horse and Buggy
16" x 20"
Acrylics on Canvas

Limited edition canvas prints

Contact Ellen to purchase:

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Second day of May, 2020.  Thinking of going back to oils.  Have started a portrait of Stew in acrylics.
Plan to continue in oils...let's see what happens.

I'm starting from this reference photo.

I've cropped it down so that the body and face will be the major part of the portrait although the moss-covered trees are simply gorgeous to me.