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Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  It's nearly 2025!!!  Best wishes for a really good year ahead. This photo shows the fairy house I created f...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Spiral Staircase
18" x 36" x 3/4"
Acrylics on canvas

My last post featured my photo of this spiral staircase behind the Prudhomme-Hughes Building in Natchitoches. And here is my painting...some work still to do... But nearly there.

Spiral Staircase
Please let me know if you would be interested in buying a canvas print of Spiral Staircase.
Contact me at ellenhgh@gmail.com.

Horse and Buggy
16" x 20"
Acrylics on Canvas
Another Natchitoches scene I'm painting.  This is from a photo I took when walking on Front Street.  Visitors to Natchitoches enjoy informative and relaxing tours of the Historic District in an old fashioned way.