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Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  It's nearly 2025!!!  Best wishes for a really good year ahead. This photo shows the fairy house I created f...

Friday, February 22, 2019

These are my newer projects.  Both acrylics on canvas; both 16"x 20".

Art on the Bricks 2019!!!!!
Saturday, March 23
9 am - 4 pm
Downtown Historic District
Natchitoches, Louisiana

Annabelle Jones and I will be sharing a tent.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

It's February, my birthday month, so every day is a special celebration!!!

Work in progress for Donna Stephens
16 x 20
Colorado Scene

And finally in my new garage-studio back in Natchitoches:

Work in progress
Deep Splash series