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Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  It's nearly 2025!!!  Best wishes for a really good year ahead. This photo shows the fairy house I created f...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Courir de Mardi Gras

Courir de Mardi Gras or Courir de Poulet?(Close-Up)
Papier Mache; mixed media
40" x  30" x 14"
 This is my hen who rides in the Courir de Mardi Gras.  She will be at the Eunice Community Art House for the January 30th ArtWalk.

The traditional Mardi Gras "run" or Courir de Mardi Gras reflects the lifestyle of South Louisiana's countryfolk as they celebrate before the beginning of Lent. The glitz and glamour of the Krewes with parades that feature elaborate floats and costumes are an important part of Louisiana's Mardi Gras culture but the Courir de Mardi Gras is just as important to people in some areas outside of New Orleans.
Making fun of royalty has roots that go deep into the history of the people who celebrate the "run".  Today they wear pointed hats, gaudy colored fringed clothing and masks that are homemade. Like the masks, the costumes are not made of fine fabrics or trimmed with bling and that's a good thing because other facets of this gem of a tradition include standing upright on horseback, and riding on horseback to visit homes and to beg for a chicken usually  accompanied by music and imbibing of beverages. When a family lets the chicken loose, the "run" to catch the chicken for the gumbo is on. The chase, a friendly, exciting competition, may involve trudging through muddy ditches before the poulet is finally caught.

 As you can see, in my version the chicken is riding the horse and will be chasing and catching...hmmm????

Courir de Mardi Gras or Courir de Poulet?
Papier Mache; mixed media
40" x 30" x 14"

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Courir de Mardi Gras...my version!!! Been working on this for weeks and can see it coming together, now. Having a blast doing papier mâché, sanding, staining wood, painting and designing with textiles.